Channel: Cristina Laird's Astrology » Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius
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Here comes one of the most important months of the year, and in many ways, for several years.
This month begins with a conjunction of Mercury (Gemini ruler) to (retrograde) Venus in Gemini and at the same time, they both make a square to Mars in Virgo, another sign ruled by Mercury. We can speculate on the meaning of all this and assume everything that it has to do with communications, with paper work, with topics involving the coming and going of correspondence, such as legal issues, communication through internet, mobile phones, etc, etc, will be affected.
But all this comes hand in hand, with the fact that these are the days prior to the Full Moon (therefore the most powerful) on June 4th, which is a Lunar Eclipse, that forms at 14 ° 14′ angle of Sagittarius (the Moon) and Gemini (the Sun).
The Sun in conjunction to Venus in Gemini, which in its retrograde phase, forms an eclipse or transit between the Sun and the Earth. This is an astronomical event, which happens in pairs and very rarely, as we will see. The last time we had a transit of Venus, was on June 8, 2004, something which didn’t occurred since the last pair, which was in 1874 and 1882. Yes, you read it well, in 1800 and it will not occur until the 2117 and 2125. Prior to 1800, occurred in 1761 and 1769, and previously to this in 1639. So really a very rare astronomical fact. It has happened about 6 times before, that we can register and that we must not miss, since it will be the last and for many of us, the only time that we will see such thing, in our lives.
Mars then, makes what we call a T-cuadrante to the lunación, or in 90º angle to the Sun and to the Moon, and opposed to Chiron, which thus form the Grand Cross of this eclipsed full moon – The theme of confrontation with the ability of our minds to process information and how we respond to it, we be clearer. Communication inside of our relationships, what we say, how we say it, and if we take into consideration the feelings of the other, when we say what we say, it is a subject to bring into consciousness.
The influence of Chiron reminds us that we must Cure, the wouds of the past, and the only possibility for self-healing is to become conscious of it.
But when we speak of Venus, the goddess of beauty, creativity, seduction, we are talking about that part of ourselves that seduces, whether we are aware of it or not. Much too often and contrary to the mentality of many, who believe that a good body, is what seduces, it is the talents and mostly unconscious talents, which seduce more than anything. Sometimes the feminine in man or the masculine in women, is incredibly attractive. The encounter with the opposite side of our psyche and hidden desires of it, are also a subject of this lunación.
Globally this also affects our political views, how we handle all these diplomatic issues we have on the table, with the European crisis, the crisis Israel-Iran, Afghanistan, etc. Fortunately, Mercury forms a trine to Saturn in Libra, which impels us to take things seriously and confront us with the reality of all this and above all, to listen to the version of the other, in a fair way that will benefits us all.
The world is not worse, is only that now for the first time in life for many, we are taking consciousness of how incredibly destructive and greedy we are. If you are a woman, there isn’t any day before today, that is better. Women gain ground, every day, every hour, every instant. It is true that the novels make us fantasize about true romance, like in the stories of the Bronte sisters, for example, but of course, it is only our imagination. Women have been raped, abused, killed, enslaved, before now, much more. Wars have been more bloody and violent before, than now. The world is not worse, is better in many ways, but it is also true that tremendous excess of information, is making us aware of the pain of the world.
Just look at the news, once, and you are suddenly in touch with the dramatic side of life, of existance, of being alive, of being a mortal. It is wonderful but at the same time dramatic. The pain of being alive and the incarnation are daunting and overwhelming, if not, ask a Pisces, but becoming conscious of it, to be able to exercise our free will, is the only option, because it is the Mystery of life, what we love and what seduces more than anything else. If we had all the answers, this journey would be very boring. Even so, we should become conscious all the time, in order to be of service to others and help each other survive. Without Venus, without creativity, this life would be an orgy of pain and savagery, but Venus induces us to embellish, to find beauty in everything we do, to turn the struggle every day life, into an act of love and beauty. If we want it, we can do it, despite the great difficulty of being a mortal.
In June of 1993, there was also an eclipse at almost 14 degrees Gemini – Sagittarius. The young people who were born in that year may have a great shot of consciousness at this moment, on the duality of their psyche, and the issues that worry the world today. Education is another of the issues that concern us and with the arrival of Jupiter in Gemini on June 12, it will be difficult to decide on one option or another, for many students . It is not an easy fate to have been born in these times and being a teenager today, when everything is changing and nothing is clear yet. Perhaps the answer is to follow what the heart or soul dictates, if you prefer. Uranus and Pluto, make their first meeting by square, of the 7 that will take place from now to 2015. If you think that everything was back to normal, think again. This is the beginning of a process of change that will benefit us all. Hopefully. The more heads of State insist in maintaining the Status Quo, the most more revolution there will be -
When something must be amputated so that we can survive, all we can do is let it take place. This is a process of change and renewal that we all need. Fortunately one of the wonders of Gemini, is his overwhelming curiosity and interest in everything, in whatever is different and innovative. Jupiter enters Gemini after a year in Taurus, on June 12th, but this will be the next article.
Let’s use these Mercurian energies to renew ourselves, to investigate, to contact, to create new stories and to live life in a creative and enriching way. Open to what is new, to the unexpected, don’t forget it was Hermes who recounted the history of the gods, who accompanied Odysseus in the Odyssey and who can help us to re – write our history.

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